Scuba Travel Scandinavia AB – has provided a statutory travel guarantee to Kammarkollegiet. All travel companies in Sweden are required by law to provide a travel guarantee, these are administered by the Kammarkollegiet. The travel guarantee is the travelers’ security and must secure their paid money. If you have any questions, you can contact the Kammarkollegiet on 08-700 08 00. Make sure that the company you travel with has the required guarantee.

Important to know about travel insurance

The travel guarantee is financial protection for travelers when a trip is canceled or interrupted. The traveler can then apply for compensation from the travel guarantee. The Travel Guarantee Act applies to:

Package travel
A package tour is an arrangement consisting of transport and accommodation or any of these services in combination with a tourist service, which constitutes a not insignificant part of the arrangement and which is not directly linked to the transport or accommodation, such as e.g. rental car, theater tickets or entry to a sporting event. A package trip must be longer than 24 hours or include accommodation. A package trip is sold at a total price or at different prices that are linked to each other. A travel guarantee must be available for all package tours, regardless of whether they are sold to individuals or companies.

The Travel Guarantee Act also applies to the following trips if these are purchased by private individuals:

Package-like travel
The travel guarantee covers those who purchase package-like trips, i.e. trips that consist of separate transport and accommodation services that together show substantial similarity to a package trip. The combination should appear as a natural unity.

Chair sale
Even those who have only purchased a transport can receive compensation from the travel guarantee if the transport takes place together with a package trip, e.g. on a charter plane or bus. However, those who only buy a regular ticket are not protected by the travel guarantee.

Educational trips
Anyone who has purchased a trip that consists of transport and an educational stay with accommodation in the form of accommodation in a host family can receive compensation from the travel guarantee. This applies even if the accommodation is free.

The application for compensation must have been received by the Travel Guarantee Board no later than three months after the trip was cancelled, interrupted or for some other reason did not take place.

Blacklisted airlines

The European Commission, in consultation with the Member States’ aviation safety authorities, has created a list of airlines that do not meet key safety requirements (EU Regulation 2111/2005). The airlines have thus been completely or partially prohibited from operating in European airspace or may only operate under certain restrictions.
Here you can see which airlines apply:

Standard form

The combined travel services offered to you constitute a package tour within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302. Therefore, you are covered by all EU rights that apply to package travel. Read more (PDF).